The media have been mistaken as to the painting stolen from Bourton-on-the-Water in Gloucestershire. Last week, I wrote about the theft of a Joseph Farquharson from a private residence. I posted an image of the painting, but I posted the wrong painting because
The Herald incorrectly stated the name of the painting. I received a kind email from Grizelda Graham, daughter of the 89 year-old theft victim. She wrote , "We don't know why the media have entitled our stolen painting 'sunlight and shade' - the title on the back of my painting is 'where snow the pastures sheets.' It is very beautiful, and we are keen to publicise its theft widely in the hope that someone will spot it and return it to us." This is the image of the stolen painting she gave me.
Hopefully the media will correct their mistake soon, and continue to publish the theft. I suggested she contact the Art Loss Register in her attempts to get the painting back.
Way to go Derek,
Dick Ellis ex head of scotland yards art squad has just told me the police officer in charge of this case was hoping the thieves may be fooled by the intentional mistake,it is something done regularly in art loss investigation
I explain on my blog if you care to sneak a look.
Well, perhaps the officer in charge did promulgate the misleading information. However, it seems a terrible idea. The best way to prevent theft is to cut off the potential market. By confusing interested parties about what the actual painting looked like, you are only adding to the confusion in my view. I posted an image of the painting I believed had been stolen. Did the authorities check with the owner of the other Farquharson? I doubt it. That would have serious consequences for purchasers of that other work in the future.
It seems the victim was not told of the authorities plan. If that is their leading method, I doubt the thieves will be caught. We need transparency in the art market, bottom line. Perhaps I'm too trusting, I had no real confirmation that the email I received was from the victim's daughter, but it seemed the most likely possibility. A simple Google search reveals a different painting for "Where the Snow Pastures the Sheets". Perhaps that ties into the obfuscation as well.
Hey Derek I'm on your side.
Dick Ellis, Mark Dalrymple, Charlie Hill, FBI Agent Bob Wittman and I all want to see much more strict regulation of the art trade.
A national database of stolen antiques and art would be a start.
Preventing cold calling on householders is another thing that would prevent intelligence gathering by criminal antiques Knocker Boys.
Insurance companies demanding photographs of any antiques covered is another area to be addressed.
If the Police don't want to actively investigate art loss, then the private sector is more than willing to pick up the torch.
Problem is the Police won't allow the private sector to operate.
There are many ways to recover stolen art and make arrests, however, those engaged in these often dangerous operations from the private sector, mostly ex law enforcement, require funding, or payment of rewards/expenses.
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